Having an estate plan in place may involve more than just a will. A will states exactly who you would like your assets to go to when you pass away. Without a will, your assets will be distributed in line with the state government formula. It can be extremely complicated, expensive and can take time for this matter to resolve itself, leaving your loved ones without much financial support.
If the proceeds are to be left to a minor, you may want to consider setting up a testamentary trust and appoint a trustee. Another consideration is setting up a discretionary family trusts whereby the assets are protected from personal or business creditors. Other reasons trusts may come in handy can be for better tax planning purposes or where an income stream is preferred over a lump sum.
Estate planning can also extend to your business interests. Some business owners may have used personal assets to secure business debts so having some form of insurance provision may be ideal. Another situation that may occur is that your share of the business may be passed onto your loved ones who may not have an interest running the business and the business may not have the ability buy out your share. A Buy-Sell Agreement will take the guesswork out of this situation.
Have you considered any of the following:
Speak to us today and we can help you put together your plan to help you achieve this and many of your other goals.